
I wanted this blog to be about my family's experience with my son's Type 1 Diabetes. My family is more than just diabetes, but I want this blog to be focused on how it affects our family. I hope other T1D parents find it helpful, and that my family and friends find it informative.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Party like it is your 1st Diaversary!

Whoohoo!  A whole year!  That means we celebrated birthdays, SWAG'd a ton of meals, took vacations to the beach, survived summer gym classes, went back to preschool, attended play dates, stayed alone with babysitters, trick-or-treated, had Thanksgiving pies, survived the MONTH that is Christmas, had multiple stomach bugs with KETONES, made Valentines, and hunted for Easter Eggs!

Heck yes we are going to celebrate the 1 year marker!!!  Life is short, bring on the reasons to celebrate. 

So we did!  We had a Super Hero themed play date in the park!

Johnny even got a ton of support from our DOC, Diabetes Online Community.  He received cards and even 2 presents in the mail.

His sweet Batman Dress-Up gear! (Thank you Myra, my bestie D-mom friend!)

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